On the Day of 9/11, Americans Should Reflect on Their Own Actions
Again, we are approaching an anniversary of September 11th, that day which dramatically and suddenly changed the focus of the world and its balance of power. That day which caused America to begin its losing fight against an abstract concept that is Islamic extremism. To this day, America continues to think that an equally abstract idea that is "democracy" can be militarily extended to foreign territories and defeat entrenched cultural values that previously had no interactions with. Perhaps, just as Mao foresaw decades ago that war is a battle of ideologies rather than armament or military training, he probably would still be surprised that a country, even one so firmly confident in its own systems as the US, can be so stubborn in enforcing its own ideas on obviously "ungrateful" subjects…perhaps only the American view of the equally foreign and hostile-sounding Chinese ideologies can be used as an illustrative example. It reminds of this one class I had back in ...