
When Writing College Essays, Forget Idealism, Stick to Authenticity

Spending years in "basic" education from elementary all the way to high school can give students an absolutist view of right and wrong. In math and the sciences, answers that adhere to the principles of existing "laws of nature" and rules of computation are correct. In humanities, those that align with historical precedents and the opinion of "expert" teachers are not to be questioned. Such thinking promotes the idea that there is always a right answer, and that answer can be reached by reading books, asking teachers, or conducting research with experts.

Shifting Perceptions: How Public Opinion on Israel is Changing Amidst Hamas' Attacks

The attack on Israel by Hamas is the literal definition of terrorism. After breaking out from heavy defensive barriers separating Gaza and Israel, Hamas fighters explicitly targeted civilians for murder and abduction, with the equally explicit goal of capturing attention. In causing terror and getting global recognition for it, Hamas has certainly achieved its objectives loud and clear: a world that has only been weeks ago absorbed in the war in Ukraine has almost shifted attention to the Middle East overnight. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dormant as a political issue for years, suddenly reappeared as a global agenda.

A Business Idea: Foreigner-Staffed Cafés as Japan's Frontier for Fostering Ethnic Harmony

Japan is full of foreigners. With COVID letting up, plenty are making their way to the country as tourists eager to see its sometimes exotic culture. Some are even attempting to establish themselves as workers in its economy and members of a growing migrant community. Yet, despite there being so many foreigners, it is very easy for the average Japanese to avoid contact with foreigners. Besides curt interactions with staff members at convenience stores and restaurants, the vast majority of the Japanese population need not meet foreigners to live out their daily lives.