
Exaggerated Importance of the Internet is a Danger for Saving the World's Poor from Coronavirus

It seems yesterday that mainstream media was arguing about the supposed danger of "internet addiction" as kids and adults alike are foregoing real-world relationships in favor of spending more time in front of a screen, building virtual communities via video games and social media. psychological issues were highlighted in the discussion, with experts fearing a greater prevalence of cyberbullying on online forums, social isolation through the loss of ability to form real-world emotional bonds with people, and competitive showing off through falsified Instagram shots leading to suicides and mentally scarring a generation.

Will COVID-19 Reinforce the Dominance of Large Economies at the Expense of the Small?

President Trump was not shy about claiming the credit for giving every American citizen USD 1,200 as part of the stimulus package to "wage a total war" on COVID-19. While the letter, awkwardly sent weeks after the actual USD 1,200 was paid out through bank transfer or personal checks, was clearly intended to boost Trump's upcoming reelection campaign against Joe Biden, the point implicitly made in the letter goes beyond his simply reiterating his supposed care for the American people; it speaks to the financial capacity of the United States as a nation that goes beyond the will of an individual president to bankroll his way back into the White House for another four years.

How COVID-19 is Erasing the Private Lives of the Japanese Salaryman

The Japanese language has a term サービス精神 ("the spirit of service") to denote anyone who has the mentality to be helpful to others, whether the others in question are clients, coworkers, or family members. The idea of being helpful to others is an essential part of the concept of "omotenashi," the idea of predicting and then following through with what others would find most pleasant and comfortable. In the world of business of retail, hospitality, and other service industries, the spirit of service is needed for customers to happily part with their money .