End of Independence....for a While
Yesterday was my birthday (not much happened, I just had dinner with a friend in a Thai place...very good food, not that expensive...well, 100+ RMB per person, so its not that cheap either for a normal person, I guess) and tomorrow my father makes his return from the States. Given the intense scrutiny over alleged extramarital affairs that he is facing from the entire extended family (I would like to talk about the details even in this blog), the peace and independence I am enjoying right now will not return until I leave Shanghai for Japan almost a month later. Now, with my father back here, so will my grandmother get here from Nanjing to watch over him to make sure nothing else happens to aggravate the existing situation that further ruin the family name (I wrote about my rather uncaring and angry attitude toward this issue not that while back on this blog, so I won't talk about this anymore). I will be put in an incredibly awkward position between the silent tension between my ...