
When National Pride Becomes Subtly Undermined by Behaviors of Common People

From those who may not know, the author is actually ethnic Mongol on his mother's side.  But as ethnic Mongols from the Chinese Northeast, his mother's family has very little connection to the Mongolian nation and culture.  They have not spoken the Mongolian language for a couple of generations and do not even know their proper Mongol names.  It is better get in touch with that little understood Mongolian heritage that the author decided to show up to Ulaanbaatar and meet with "real" Mongols who can at least superficially tell him what is it like to be really Mongol.

Is Blind Faith in the Crowd Reducing People's Ability to Think for Themselves?

In front of the massive dormitory complex that the author lives in seaside Tokyo , there is a pedestrian crossing that leads to the park connecting the complex with one of the nearest metro stations.  Given that relatively few people uses the pedestrian crossing, it is not automatically activated.  Only by pressing the button on a pole next to the crossing would the streetlight turn green, allowing people to cross.  Without pressing button, the light will remain red forever.  The bright red button is quite visible, located conveniently right next to the curbside below the pedestrian light itself, with a bright yellow box with a human drawing.

Does Economics Entrench Cheap Foreign Labor as the Easy Solution to Labor Needs?

One of the lectures the author took at the University of Tokyo makes a great point about the idea of rich countries hiring foreign laborers from poor countries to fulfill supposed shortages in labor. The lecture argues that the supposed shortages are socially constructed, where the mentality of the general populace changes to one of complete dependence after they taste the ease of paying relatively little money to foreigners to do their dirty unwanted jobs. Society has become used to having foreigners fill the very bottom of employment hierarchy.

The Economics of Making a Sight Worth Seeing for the Second Time

Wulai is probably the easiest place to find a bit of nature outside the bustling metropolis that is Taipei.  The little aborigine hot spring town two hours south of the city has enough attractions to keep a traveler busy for most of the day.  Some nice shops, beautiful rivers and waterfall, as well as hot springs to soak in.  The air is cleaner than the city, and the ever-green mountains surrounding the town provide a beautiful background for some walks.  It is only unfortunate that not many foreign travelers know about the place, especially when compared to the famed day-trip sight Jiufen.

Who Gives Governments Authority to Decide Moral Values for Their Citizens?

Even for someone who does not follow Chinese popular culture too closely, the author cannot escape the recent news of the government banning any display of hip-hop culture on television.  After the CCP decided that the subculture of underground rap that is gaining some mainstream popularity in the past months can supposedly instigate crime, take youths away from proper, healthy values as citizens, often based on so-called vulgar lyrics of rap songs, international news outlets have ensured that lovers of hip-hop and rap music, especially in the US, deepen their already steep hatred for the Chinese government and society .

Ode to the High-Rising Stool Chair

After years of working in an ecommerce startup, the author has come to miss one thing that dominates the office landscape of tech startups: the high-rising stool chair.  In lieu of cubicles with their low desks and chairs that characterize established corporations, tech startups prefer a much more flexible arrangement where people are always on the move, working wherever they can find space to put down their laptops.  To facilitate the mobile nature of fast-moving employees, startups employ a series of these high-rising chairs, alongside equally high small tables.

Does Having Fewer Material Possessions Actually Make Life More Expensive?

Digital nomads who roam the world working on their laptops often makes an interesting claim.  Yes,their wages may be much lower, but by limiting their materialistic needs (including houses, cars, excess clothing, among others common to more sedentary life), they not only can survive on less income, but also set aside enough to travel the world in the process.  The basic conclusion of their tried-and-tested nomadic lifestyle is that fewer material possessions lead to a less expensive life.  Over the past years of traveling the world for different jobs, the author has come to agree with such digital nomads in the basic conclusion.